Thursday, June 26, 2014

Finding Gary and Karina

Hi everyone
We aren't on facebook (or what ever the latest fad is) so while you probably know we are going away for a while, you may have no idea how to communicate with us while we are on our voyage.  The truth is, since this is our first time, we aren't sure either...  We will try to make it as simple as possible but keep in mind that things may change in the future as we sort all of this out.

Here is our contact card to copy into what ever program (or paper book) you use.  Be sure to read the further explanations below it.

Thanks in advance for everyone's support in this adventure.  One of the hardest things we will deal with is leaving our friends and family.  Just because you don't hear from us, doesn't mean we aren't thinking of you.  Keeping in touch will certainly be a priority for us but there may be an adjustment period as we leave the connectivity we are all used to.

Gary Peacock and Karina McQueen
Address:  We are keeping our normal home address.  Email us if you don't know what it is
Phone: all gone
email both of us:  searover at our address
email Gary: gary at our blog address
email Karina: karina at our blog address
spot tracker:  SeaRover's Spot page
AIS Tracker:
Skype:  email us for address
Snail mail address:  Mail is being forwarded to a very kind person who probably doesn't want to sort through stacks of mail for us.  Unless you want them to know about your goings on over the year, you probably don't need to send us a Christmas card or Birthday card.  Email us instead!
Phone:  We are giving up all of our phone numbers... check out our blog for the latest info on this front.
Email:  THE BEST WAY TO GET A HOLD OF US.  Please make a note of the above listed addresses and delete the rest.  This is our main method of communicating.  Please try your best not to get us on a spam list.  Never type our addresses into a "send a link" button on any website.
Blog:  Yes, we know nothing is on it yet...  This is our project while off the grid this summer.  Stay tuned.  We will do our best to make this the place you go for info on where we are and what we are up to.
Spot Tracker:  Sponsored by Mom and Dad.  We will do our best to remember to turn it on, don't worry if we drop off the map...  Its technology.
AIS Tracker:  Only works where there is a VHF station near by.  Pretty cool website.  Again, don't worry if we drop off the map..
Skype:  We haven't used this too much yet, but this may become our voice link to the world.  Feel free to add us as a contact (gary.peacock.lhits).  Internet on the boat can be spotty so if you want to talk, email us first and we'll confirm a time to connect.

That's it so far.  We'll post any changes onto our blog as we learn all this stuff.

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